Friday, December 13, 2013

You know you've been talking about work too much when....

The accountant had just read the story of Cinderella to his four-year-old daughter for the first time.

The little girl was fascinated by the story, especially the part where the pumpkin turns into a golden coach.

Suddenly she piped up, "Daddy, when the pumpkin turned into a coach, would that be classed as income or a capital gain?"

Monday, December 09, 2013

Cassons Christmas song - Holding out for an Accountant hero

This is a great video from accountancy firm Cassons with specially adapted lyrics and, one presumes, featuring staff and partners in a variety of roles and guises.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Newton's law of accounting

1. For every accountant, there is equal and opposite accountant.
2. Both of them are wrong.

When all is not as it seems

The company HR director and CEO had carefully interviewed a dozen people for the job of assistant to the financial director.  The chief exec...