Sunday, November 22, 2009

More accountant fun courtesy of twitter

It's been a while since I last posted some of the more amusing tweets that deserve a place on this blog:

When i was younger, i remember my mom joked and told some1 she had me just for the tax deduction. the irony? her son is now an accountant.
- Diggy0383

I've just handed over 2 years worth of receipts, bank statements and phone bills. Now Mr Accountant, go and work your tax liability magic
- SimonRossyRoss

Meetings with accountant and web designer today. Tax codes and source codes in one day! No jargon please Rod and David.
- gilarthurgood

just ask an accountant any kind of financial/tax question and see if the reply doesn't start with, "It depends..."

A few things in life that i have learned that u need #1 is (GOD), a tax accountant,lawyer and a good doctor

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Are accountants the best patients for surgeons to operate on?

Five surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on.   The first surgeon says, "I like to see accountants on my oper...