Thursday, December 22, 2011

An HMRC related analogies that made me smile

If you're a wily corporation, you can play this malign incompetence to your advantage. If you are well-meaning but don't have a degree in fiscal management, never mind funds for an accountant, then you must make endless angst-ridden calls to Patricia in the HMRC office in Pyongyang. I don't know if you've ever tried phoning Patricia, but when she does pick up, she's rarely pleased to hear from you. Having read the new report from the Public Accounts Committee about HMRC's "systemic failures", however, I'm going to ask Patricia out to lunch, order the lobster, then whisper over the petits fours: how about we call it quits? Or perhaps she might view me more favourably if instead of owing a three-figure sum, I owed eight figures.

The above formed part of Richard Godwin's Comment piece in The London Evening Standard on 21 December 2011.

1 comment:

Accountants London said...

That first analogy is fantastic. I might have to start reading the London Evening Standard if this is the humorous content that they are now publishing.

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