Friday, August 07, 2015

What you might say when you're not trying to make partner.....

What follows are some of the more printable observations shared anonymously online by a US based accountant who describes himself as "a cynical Big 4 audit manager. I love my staff, I love my seniors, I hate this profession. I am not on the partner track."

He also admits to being drunk when he wrote the lengthy post which includes such intriguing observations as:

  • I've made it to Manager by pretty much keeping my head down and playing the game. I have a respect for accounting theory and knowledge. I just no longer give a shit about all the other stuff that accompanies it.
  • I'm convinced the biggest strategy for the Big 4 getting past PCAOB inspections is to over-document EVERYTHING. Memos for any and everything. F**king huge-ass memos filled with fluff language. They'll take one look at that 23-page Word file and nope the f**k out of it.
  • I do respect the knowledge base we have. There are some very intelligent people in our profession.
  • I hate office lingo: "Touch base", "shoot an e-mail", "let's table that discussion".
  • I wish there were more culturally and politically liberal people in our profession.
  • One of the most valuable 'soft' skills you can develop is public speaking.
  • Masturbation is a close second.

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