Friday, February 12, 2016

Top five worst tax return expense claims

HMRC has published a list of what they describe as the Top five worst tax return expense claims.

These are, apparently, the five most outrageous personal expenses claims included in 2013-14 Self Assessment tax returns.
  1. The costs for storing Mars Bars overnight in a fridge.
  2. The cost of a pair of flip flops so I don’t have to walk barefoot between my work’s changing and shower rooms.
  3. The costs for my intimate waxing. 
  4. I bought a second hand car to get me from home to work so I didn’t have to walk. 
  5. I purchased my own flat, so I need to claim back the money I spent on the furniture. 
I can't help but wonder how many of these were inspired by reports of claims about the expenses that MPs have claimed in the past!

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