Friday, December 15, 2017

The 6 worst things that happen to auditors

  1. Getting in early only to find the manager who's got all the answers is not in today.
  2. Being asked to process a whole shed-load of material adjustments 1 hour before the audit is supposed to finish.
  3. Realising that the 'we-could-finish-a-week-early-and-have-a-jolly' budget has disappeared into thin air.
  4. Being shoved into a cold, pokey, little room in the basement with no windows, mobile phone reception, printer or copier, miles away from where all the people you need to speak to work and 12 floors from the nearest decent snacks vending machine.
  5. Having to ask the difficult finance manager at a client the same questions you know they get frustrated having to answer every year as they explain that nothing has changed.
  6. Finding out that your favourite prestigious audit client has gone bust and your audit partner has gone missing.

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