Friday, January 18, 2019

Two drunk accountants have an outrageous idea

At the end of a long day, 2 accountants, Peter and Paul, have had a few drinks and are reviewing their decision to invest in a new building for their small accounting practice. 
They start thinking about how to fill the surplus space.
"Why don't we put a brothel on the 1st floor" says Peter.  "We could offer clients the facility to wait upstairs while we prepare their fee notes. That way when clients complain about getting screwed by their accountants they actually are getting screwed."
Paul, laughed nervously at this outrageous suggestion. Then, also drunk, added a slight twist. "We could be even more multidisciplinary, without getting into all that 50 Shades of Grey stuff. Let's put some lawyers on the 2nd floor. Then clients can decide for themselves which is the house of most ill repute".

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Songs that might have been about tax avoidance

Maybe these were the original titles of popular songs: April 6th Showers  Savin' All My Tax For Me  VAT's love got to do with it...