Friday, September 20, 2024

An ode to auditing

Auditors are people too, we’re not nasty and mean 
No need for fear and loathing whenever we are seen 
Don’t hide behind your desk or go and nervously take flight 
We’re only there to try to make sure everything’s all right 

So when we do a test it isn’t just because we can 
It’s to check your system’s working right all neatly spick and span 
When we ask awkward questions it’s simply that we care 
That your records may be incomplete with not all you need there 

We look for fraud it’s true but hope to find it? We do not! 
Dealing with fraud just adds more to the work that is our lot 
Yes auditors are lovely with a helpful task to do 
It’s only incidental when we make more work for you 

I hope that now you understand and so, what do you say 
Will you fight prejudice and hug an auditor today? 

 Contributed by Stephen Purham and originally published on AccountingWeb

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