- Trial balances don’t. (Not always, anyway)
- Working capital does not. (Work, that is)
- Liquidity tends to run out. (Faster than you think)
- The bottom line is only the tip of the iceberg. (What lies beneath matters more)
- Depreciation is inevitable. (For assets and accountants)
- Forecasts are mostly fiction. (But we make them anyway)
- Profit is an opinion, cash is a fact. (Ask any struggling business)
- The auditor is always right. (Especially when they say you're wrong)
- A budget is a wild guess wrapped in spreadsheets
- There is nothing more permanent than a temporary account
- An accountant is a person who will explain that you did not make the money you thought you had
- If in doubt, reconcile. (Then reconcile again)
Accounting fun
Hundreds of stories, jokes, videos, anecdotes, links and quotes relating to accountants, accountancy and tax related topics. If you've got something that makes you laugh - do send it in to mark@bookmarklee.co.uk
Friday, March 28, 2025
A dozen laws of accountancy that weren't covered in your studies
Friday, March 21, 2025
What is Cross tax?
You'd be forgiven if you've never heard of 'cross tax' although it's been referenced in HMRC's compliance handbook for many years.
Does it mean:
a) What you get when HMRC staff are overstressed and unhappy?
b) A big balancing payment that a client wasn't expecting to have to pay?
c) How clients will describe the additional fees accountants charge for quarterly MTD returns? or
d) 'Across the taxes’ as opposed to applying to just one area, such as corporation tax?
The correct answer is (d)
Friday, March 14, 2025
Image ideas for an accountants' website
How might accountants do something similar?
Friday, March 07, 2025
When all is not as it seems
Friday, February 28, 2025
When the taxman chases the recently departed
A few weeks after Bernie died, his sister, Susie, intercepted a letter sent to him by HMRC. It was a request for a tax return.
Susie took the letter to her accountant who, after asking a few questions, suggested she reply as follows and pp the letter 'from Bernie (deceased)':
One of the advantages of having died is that there is no tax in heaven. It's a beautiful place. When I was alive I paid tax through the PAYE system and had not had any direct dealings with the taxman for many years. I can't say I'm that fussed about the outstanding return as I had no unearned income and left very little in the way of an inheritance for my sole living relative, my sister. Also, such matters seem so mundane since my recent demise. I might add that I have not yet met anyone from HMRC up here!
Friday, February 21, 2025
How to persuade the taxman your dog is a tax deductible business expense
Many years ago a publican had a meeting with a tax inspector in his pub. The publican had been claiming tax relief in respect the upkeep of his 'guard dog' but the taxman was unwilling to concede that this was acceptable.
The publican pointed out that upstairs in the pub were both the dog and the lunchtime takings. He invited the taxman to go upstairs, on his own, and if the taxman returned with the takings the publican would agree to add back the disputed expenses.
The taxman refused to go upstairs and allowed the expense in full.
My thanks to Barry Jefford of George Hay, Chartered Accountants, for the story which was told to him by his client, being the publican in question.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Valentine messages for the accountant in your life
Credits are right
When I looked at you
Love at first sight.
To keep us aligned,
Because in the ledger of love,
You’re one of a kind.
Violets are blue
My heart’s net profit
Will always be you.
A dozen laws of accountancy that weren't covered in your studies
Trial balances don’t. (Not always, anyway) Working capital does not. (Work, that is) Liquidity tends to run out. (Faster than you thin...
How many accountants does it take to change a light bulb? How many would you like it to be? How many accountants does it take to change a li...
The most obvious answer as to why accountants are sometimes referenced, disparagingly, as 'beancounters' might involve counting the ...
1. You work very odd hours. 2. You are paid a lot of money to keep your client happy. 3. You are paid well but your pimp gets most of the mo...