Sunday, March 09, 2008

All in a name...

Nichola Ross Martin tells the story that:

I have been calling myself a tax consultant for years rather than an accountant. I did call myself a tax advisor once when an old school friend asked - she misheard though and thought I said "Taxi driver" so I don't use that one any more!

[Repeated with permission]


Mark Lee said...

This just received by email:

I too was a victim of the taxi driver error - I explained to someone on a train that I was a tax adviser and he replied that he had heard we caused more accidents than anyone else...that puzzled me for a few moments!

Martin Gulliver

Unknown said...

This happened to me once in my past life, despite my job title being the slightly harder to misunderstand "tax collector".

Sadly the conversation continued for some time before I realised the misunderstanding, as the person continued by talking about driving a lot, which was of course highly relevant to the job...

Songs that might have been about tax avoidance

Maybe these were the original titles of popular songs: April 6th Showers  Savin' All My Tax For Me  VAT's love got to do with it...