Friday, December 28, 2012

A non-boring email disclaimer from an accountant

Picked up from a thread on AccountingWeb:
"The information in this document and any attached files is top secret and confusing and may also be very posh. It is intended solely for and should be read only by you (the recipient). In the event that you do not get this message please notify the sender by return. Help I'm being held prisoner by the Institute of Family Planning Accountants, they keep me in a Linux office and subject me to double entry all day without any roll over relief, please help! If however the contents of this email make no sense whatsoever then you probably were not the intended recipient and you should immediately delete yourself, and not disclose, copy, distribute, or retain any life or any part of it."
Originator = anonymous ("mouse007")

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7 Christmas Cracker jokes for accountants

  What's the biggest overhead in Santa's accounts?  - Private Elf care  What’s an accountant’s favourite Christmas carol? - Debit be...