Friday, April 24, 2020

Giving an accountant something to worry about

A newly qualified chartered accountant applies for a job advertised in The Times.
He is interviewed by the owner of a small business who has built it up from scratch.

"I need a qualified accountant," says the man, "but mainly I’m looking for someone to do my worrying for me."

"How do you mean?" says the accountant.

"I have lots of things to worry about, but I want someone else to worry about money

"OK," says the accountant. "How much are you offering?"

"You can start on eighty thousand," says the owner.

"Eighty thousand pounds?" exclaims the accountant, "How can a business like this afford
to pay so much?"

"That," says the man, "is your first worry."

Friday, April 17, 2020

Are these the 5 worst things that happen to auditors?

  1. Getting in early only to find the manager who's got all the answers is not in today
  2. Being asked to process a whole shed-load of material adjustments 1 hour before the audit is supposed to finish
  3. Realising that the 'we-could-finish-a-week-early-and-have-a-jolly' budget has disappeared into thin air
  4. Being shoved into a cold, pokey, little room in the basement with no windows, mobile phone reception, printer or copier, miles away from where all the people you need to speak to work and 12 floors from the nearest decent snacks vending machine
  5. Finding out that your favourite prestigious audit client has gone bust and your audit partner has gone missing.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

TV shows remade for accountants

The are dozens of TV shows about lawyers. Here are some that could be remade about accountants:

  • Calculators  - Like Suits but without Meghan Markle
  • (In the) Black Books - a remake of the sit com about a bookseller
  • QI - Quite Insolvent
  • MS Excel 5 - a remake of Fireball XL5
  • Companies House Party - a remake of Noel's House Party. I'm not explaining any more! ;-)
  • The Fall And Rise Of Reginald's Accountants Fees
  • I’m An Accountant, Get Me Out Of this audit
  • The Expenditure Files
  • The Bill
  • Audit in Paradise
  • Howard's Month End
  • Tax-y
  • Count Down
  • Men accounting badly
  • Mr Bean Counter

Friday, April 03, 2020

Mr Ledger, the accountant - Nominative determinism in action?

Nominative determinism suggests that people gravitate towards areas of work that fit their names.  In this context AccountancyAge ran a competition a while back to find accountants who might have moved into the profession due to their name.

The winning submission came from an accountant called Mike Broadway. It wasn't about himself though:
'I was articled to W D Menzies & Co [now Menzies] in the early 60's and one of the partners was a Mr William Ledger. 
All articled clerks had to take a turn on the switchboard and it was amusing to hear clients asking to speak to "Mr Ledger, the accountant" as if it was a game of Happy Families.

'Our amusement didn't end there, as we also imagined the young William doing National Service as Private Ledger before taking a commission to become, eventually, General Ledger. 
'Bill, as he was known, but not to his face, had in fact served in the Marines, making him "Sails" Ledger.
We finally planned a post-military career for Bill as the warden of a bird sanctuary - wait for it - "Perches" Ledger.
Have you ever encountered any other appropriately named accountants?

How to persuade the taxman your dog is a tax deductible business expense

Many years ago a publican had a meeting with a tax inspector in his pub. The publican had been claiming tax relief in respect the upkeep of ...