Friday, August 14, 2020

Clever accounting by children (1)

This may be an apocryphal story relating back to the childhood of an unnamed top accountant. 

She explains that as a young child she played a game with her parents' friends whenever they came to visit. 

Apparently they found it hugely entertaining that, when offered a choice between a 50p coin and a pound coin she always took the 50p coin. 

One day, her grandfather saw this happening and called her over to explain things: "You must understand, a pound coin is twice as valuable as a 50p piece, so you should always choose the pound coin." 

The future top accountant replied: "But Grandpa, then people will not offer me any money."

Friday, August 07, 2020

Great T-shirt slogans for accountants

  • My Daddy is the best accountant in the whole world 
  • The Zen of accounting - for every debit there is a credit 
  • Trust me - I'm an accountant 
  • Accountants appreciate a good figure 
  • I love my accountant 
  • I live for accounting 
  • I'm the accountant your mother warned you about 
  • Future accountant [for a baby's t-shirt!] 
  • Accountants rock 
  • Proud parent of an accountant 
  • Accounting diva [in pink] 
  • It's accrual world 
  • Daddy's little tax deduction [for a baby's t-shirt!] 
  • Mild mannered accountant by day. Sexy husband by night 
  • Accountant on the outside. Biker on the inside 
  • Beancounter university [in the style of a top Uni] 
  • The world's best accountant 
  • A good accountant is a debit to her profession 
  • I love Chartered Accountants

A customer complains to HMRC

Dear Inspector of Taxes  I see from your website that you regard me as a customer. This makes you my supplier and I am therefore writing to ...