Friday, October 30, 2020

Unbelievable work experience in accountants' offices

 One - It all looks so easy

One firm took a 15 year old girl from the local secondary school on work experience for a week. She was the daughter of a client. 

Two weeks later, the client phoned them and told them they were leaving. Asked if they were going to a different accountant they said no, their daughter was going to look after their affairs from now on as she had learned how to do all the work during her week of work experience!!

Two - They learn so much
Another accountant reports having received a CV from a young lady (aged 17) who, during a month with a local accountancy firm, apparently took over the role of payroll manager, conducted an audit without supervision and seems to now be competent in preparing self assessment and corporation tax returns.

The accountant who saw the CV did not reply because he did not think he would be able to afford the salary of a genius, saying "No doubt she will appear in the next series of The Apprentice".

These stories were originally shared on AccountingWeb in 2011

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