Friday, September 02, 2022

The accountant's survival kit

You can buy these online - containing a mix of any or all of the following:

  1. Boiled sweets - to crunch and give you energy to crunch the numbers
  2. Piece of string - to help you tie up loose ends
  3. Ace of Spades - so you can make the most of any hand you are dealt
  4. Tea bag - for when you get into hot water
  5. Safety pin - to help you pin point problems areas
  6. Paper clip - to help you hold it all together
  7. Marbles - to replace the ones you will lose
  8. Rubber band - to remind you to be flexible about things
  9. Mint - so you will always have a fresh outlook
  10. Candle - for when you're burning the midnight oil
  11. Matches - for the candle
  12. Googly eyes - to help you spot any mistakes
  13. Balloon - to remind you to always reach for the sky
  14. Button - for those times you may need to button your lip
  15. Needle and thread - for the button
  16. Hair grip - for when you need to get a grip
  17. Soft drink in a can - to have a drink on me at the end of a long day

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