Friday, August 23, 2024

What do the initials HMRC really stand for?

 In the UK we recognise 'HMRC' as standing for His Majesty's Revenue and Customs - the body created by the merger of Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise in 2005. 

What else might the letters represent?  Officially the answers are:

  • Health Management Research Center (University of Michigan) 
  • Human Mobility Research Centre (Queen’s University and Kingston General Hospital partnership; Ontario, Canada) 
  • Helicopter Multi-Role Computer 
  • Hierarchical Maximal Ratio Combining 
  • His Majesty's Royal Communications (Jordan)
But let's be more inventive: 
  • Help Me Recover Cash
    Hiding My Rewards Carefully
  • Holding My Rewards Callously
  • How Might Rhianna Cover-up?
  • Hold My Rubber Chicken
Can you do better?

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