Credits are right
When I looked at you
Love at first sight.
To keep us aligned,
Because in the ledger of love,
You’re one of a kind.
Violets are blue
My heart’s net profit
Will always be you.
Hundreds of stories, jokes, videos, anecdotes, links and quotes relating to accountants, accountancy and tax related topics. If you've got something that makes you laugh - do send it in to
Star Wars: Tax Return of the Jedi
Double Entry Indemnity, shown with: Double Insolvency
Journal to the Centre of the Earth
Abridged Too Far
Audit About Eve, and the follow up: Auditors of the Lost Ark
Trial balance of the century
VAT on a Hot Tin Roof
Evasion of the income snatchers
Far From the Adding Crowd
The Returns Of The Pink Panther
The Jungle Bookkeeper
Close enough encounters
Indiana Jones And The Ledgers Of Doom
Fatal subtraction, and the sequel: Fatal deduction
What's the biggest overhead in Santa's accounts?
Debits are left Credits are right When I looked at you Love at first sight. ---- I’d adjust any entry To keep us aligned, Because in the led...