Thursday, February 05, 2009

New phrase: The "tax buzz-saw"

Ok, it's American and it's not as new as I assumed when it popped up in my 'Google alerts' today.

I'd created the alert as I write the TaxBuzz blog and I wanted to know if it was being quoted anywhere else.

Today's story was in the context of Senator Tom Daschle who has withdrawn his name from consideration to become President Obama's secretary of Health and Human Services. He said he didn't want his income-tax troubles to be "a distraction."

'The Week' says:

"It was nice of Daschle to spare Obama the embarrassment of having to fire him—now let's see who gets caught in the "tax buzz-saw" next."

When I then checked online I found that the expression has been used before in US papers, generally to indicate a tax angle to a 'buzz-saw of opposition'.

My favourite observation though is that Google suggests that if you're searching for a 'Tax Buzz Saw' you're most likely to be interested in......

HM Revenue & Customs

Understand taxes with information & resources from HM Revenue & Customs

I think that's a bit cutting, don't you?

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