Friday, August 16, 2019

Texting - a trainee accountant's mistake. True story.

A salutary lesson about how to not follow up after an interview was contained in an article in the Sunday Times about the 'explosion in text messaging' in 2008. Could it still happen today?

Amongst the stories referred to in the article was this story:
Take the example of Ed, a university graduate from Manchester who applied for a job with a top accountancy firm in London. After a virtuoso performance at the interview, the vice-president in charge of recruitment gave him his mobile number in case he had any questions. Young Ed thought nothing of texting him the next day with the following message: “m8, wot a gr8 intvw!! u shld def give me the job lol.”

Needless to say, the vice-president did not oblige.
Of course one could question the accuracy of the story. I suspect it is based on an original story about an American graduate applying for a job in the US office of an accountancy firm. After all, whoever heard of a UK firm with a "vice-president in charge of recruitment"?!

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