Friday, December 16, 2022

If Santa was an accountant.....

 If Santa was an accountant...

  • ...he would report true and fair (naughty and nice)
  • ...he would collect receipts for subsistence from the secret 'other' Santas who service other countries
  • ...all of the kids clothes would be from "Baby GAAP"
  • ...his helpers would work in a small room cranking out toys during 'present season' which gets longer every year.
  • ...letters to Santa would be carried forward from prior year
  • ...he'd probably moan about all the red tape he has to deal with
  • ...his family still wouldn't have a clue what he does at work
  • ...he would think about the mileage deduction for his reindeer drawn sleigh
  •'d only have to be 'materially' good to get 'substantially all' of your gifts
  • ...most of the insignificant things on your wish list would be disregarded and "noted for next year"
  • ...he would give you review comments on your christmas list
  • ...he wouldn't get paid overtime but his elves would
  • wouldn't be called a gift list, it would be a request list and listed in order of importance.
  • ...he'd have to follow those Hobby Loss Rules. Not much profit in the Santa business :-)
  • ...he'd divide the world's children into assets and liabilities
  • ... there would be 4 big Santas
This is a selection of the suggestions volunteered by users of twitter in response to an invitation to use the hashtag: #ifsantawasanaccountant

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