Friday, January 26, 2024

12 ways to have fun completing your tax return

  1. Do it while wearing your favourite fancy dress.
  2. Every time you claim a deduction, do a victory dance. 
  3. Add happy or sad emojis wherever you can on the tax returns 
  4. Invent a new tax category for "unavoidable chocolate expenses." 
  5. Write a tax-themed haiku for each page you fill out. 
  6. Do it naked
  7. In "For Office Use Only" area write "Approved. Send refund immediately."
  8. Design a tax-themed tattoo for each deduction you claim. 
  9. Translate all financial jargon into Shakespearean language. 
  10. Attach a ransom note demanding a tax refund for the safe return of your financial sanity. 
  11. Insist on using interpretive dance to explain any discrepancies in your return. 
  12. Write a heartfelt letter to HMRC, explaining why you believe you should be taxed in chocolate coins instead.

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