Friday, July 05, 2024

Leaked conversation between Rachel Reeves and Jim Harra

Ahead of the 2024 General Election, The then Shadow Chancellor, Rachel Reeves met with the Head of HMRC, Jim Harra.

"You will understand" said Rachel "that we are under pressure to simply our complex tax system. What can we do?’ 

"I can help you there" said Jim. "I recommend you legislate one simple new tax law".

"It should make clear that from now on everyone, especially the bankers, accountants, lawyers and tax avoiders must stop focusing on the precise wording of tax laws". 

"Instead  they should act in accordance with the Government's intentions when making those laws. No one need bother about the written laws ever again! We could call this concept 'the spirit of the law'."

Rachel smiled. "That sounds good, except for one point that's not obvious to me. How do I know what my intentions were?" ‘I just pass on the laws you give me." 

That's easy" replied Jim. "I shall be more than happy to tell you what your Government’s intentions were, should the need ever arise". 

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