Friday, October 22, 2021

Google search results re accountants

You know how Google offers you suggestions as to what others have searched for with the same opening words as you have typed in the search box?

Here are the top examples of popular questions and searches on Google, that begin: Why are accountants...
....paid so little? demand? arrogant?

And a similar list re questions and searches that begin: Why do accountants...
....wear visors?
....earn so much?
....use brackets for negative numbers?
....need analytical skills
....use spreadsheets?

These are quite telling and even worrying as well as being amusing and contradictory! Some see accountants as important, in demand and arrogant whilst others (presumably) see us as boring and unhappy. And accountants are apparently paid so little, whilst also earning so much for using spreadsheets and evidencing their analytical skills - and using brackets!


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