Friday, June 10, 2022

A disgruntled 'customer' of HMRC

To the Chief Tax Person at HMRC 

 For some time your website has stated that you see me as a customer of your services. This makes you my supplier and I am therefore writing to tell you that I have decided to look for an alternative supplier. 

This is your last chance to improve your service. 

 Let me tell you why I am fed up to the back teeth with the way you have looked after me of late: 
- To help even out my cashflow, when I have surplus funds, I lodge them with you as a pre-payment of part of my forthcoming tax bill. However you hardly ever send me statements that show where I stand with you and when you do send them, they are quite impossible to check or to understand what they mean; 
- You never seem to answer the telephone; 
- You and your colleagues take an age to deal with the enquiries my accountant has raised with you; and 
- You seem happy to threaten distraint proceedings at the drop of a hat - never a good idea from a customer service point of view. 

 If you really were a business you'd have gone bust years ago. You seem to have no idea how to look after your customers. 

 As you can see I have become a thoroughly disgruntled and miserable customer. I will never recommend your services to any friend of mine and I long to take my business elsewhere. 

The problem I face is that there doesn't seem to be any other suppliers of whatever it is that you supply. 
Yours faithfully,

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